This is the third and final installment about recent FDA approved eye drops. This last eye drop is the newest and most heavily marketed of the trio. You’ve probably already heard about. VUITY Eye Drops
Eye drops for presbyopia!
The largest market of potential consumers await the release of Vuity.
Presbyopia is an age-related condition most of us first experience around the age of 40. Our arms seem shorter, the print is smaller and the light too dim. Presbyopia is caused by hardening of the crystalline lens and decrease in ciliary muscle flexibility. Until the recent release of Vuity, correction of presbyopia included reading glasses and multifocal glasses or contact lenses.
Vuity is a once a day prescription eye drop. It begins to work in 15 minutes and last up to 6 hours. This eye drop is intended to improve near and intermediate vision without impacting distance vision. Study results claim that the use of Vuity will allow a person to read digital devices such as smartphones and computers without compromising the ability to drive.
The active ingredient in Vuity is pilocarpine, a miotic (constricts the pupil) and accommodation enhancer (focusing ability). FDA trials were promising. The test subjects were between 40 and 55 years old. A statistically significant number of study participants met the primary reading endpoint and there were no serious side effects.
Vuity is new to the market this year, so there is no information beyond the controlled studies available yet. There are more drop alternatives in the presbyopia treatment pipeline. I think we will be seeing more options for managing presbyopia in the near future.